Results for 'Russel Martin Mcintire'

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  1.  15
    Keeping “critical” critical: A conversation from Culture on the Edge.Vaia Touna, Leslie Dorrough Smith, K. Merinda Simmons, Steven Ramey, Monica R. Miller, Russell McCutcheon & Craig Martin - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (3):299-312.
    In early March 2014, some of the members of Culture on the Edge—a scholarly research collaboration of seven scholars of religion, interested in more theoretically sophisticated studies of identity, and all of whom are at different career stages and at a variety of North American institutions—had a conversation online on the use of the terms “critique” and “critical,” terms widely used in the field today but employed in such a variety of ways that the members of the group thought it (...)
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    Religious Insistence on Medical Treatment: Christian Theology and Re‐Imagination.Russell B. Connors & Martin L. Smith - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (4):23-30.
    Families and surrogates sometimes use religious themes to justify their insistence on aggressive end‐of‐life care. Their hope that “God will work a miracle” can halt negotiations with health care professionals and lead to litigation. The possibility of “re‐imagining” religious themes, to broaden their scope and present a wider vision of the Christian tradition, may offer a solution.
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    Marxism and critical theory: Martin Jay and Russell Jacoby. [REVIEW]Martin Jay & Russell Jacoby - 1975 - Theory and Society 2 (1):257-263.
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    The seven ages of creation.John Martin] Russell - 1898 - [Fort Dodge, Iowa,: E. A. Tryon.
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  5. Theo-scientium.John Martin Russell - 1902 - San Francisco, Cal.,: Eagle publishing co..
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    Developing clinically valid practice guidelines.Jeremy Grimshaw, Martin Eccles & Ian Russell - 1995 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 1 (1):37-48.
  7.  34
    Re-Imagination Lacks Compassion.Charles W. Taylor, Martin L. Smith & Russell B. Connors - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (4):4.
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    Notes & Correspondence.A. E. Woodruff, Martin Levey, Stillman Drake, O. Neugebauer, L. Sprague de Camp & Norwood Russell Hanson - 1961 - Isis 52 (1):93-100.
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    Dissociative tendencies and right-hemisphere processing load: Effects on vigilance performance.William S. Helton, Martin J. Dorahy & Paul N. Russell - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):696-702.
    The present study was designed to explore the relationship between self-reported dissociative experiences and performance in tasks eliciting right-hemisphere processing load. Thirty-four participants performed a vigilance task in two conditions: with task-irrelevant negative-arousing pictures and task-irrelevant neutral pictures. Dissociation was assessed with the Dissociative Experience Scale. Consistent with theories positing right-hemisphere deregulation in high non-clinical dissociators, dissociative experiences correlated with greater vigilance decrement only in the negative picture condition. As both the vigilance task and negative picture processing are right lateralized, (...)
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    Book Review: Martin Fichman, An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace. [REVIEW]Martin Fichman - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):598-600.
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    Russell Denotes Something (1872–1970).Martin Cohen - 2008 - In Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez (eds.), Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 205–213.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Philosophical Tale.
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    Are serum anticonvulsant levels in people with epilepsy appropriately monitored?Ajay Thapar, Alan Richens, Martin Roland, Ann Jacoby, Ian Russell, Chris Roberts, Elaine Porter & Sonya Wall - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (3):335-338.
  13. Old Acquaintance: Russell, Memory and Problems with Acquaintance.Mgf Martin - 2015 - Analytic Philosophy 56 (1):1-44.
  14.  33
    Russell Refuted.Martin Horan - 1990 - Cogito 4 (3):202-205.
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  15. (1 other version)On the Berkeley-Russell theory of proper names.R. M. Martin - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (2):221-231.
  16.  32
    Sense Perception and Matter. By Martin Lean. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. 1953. Pages ix, 217. Price 21s.).L. J. Russell - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (117):175-.
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    A Conversation with Bertrand Russell.Martin Jones & Clive Wood - 2014 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 3 (1):17.
  18.  40
    Acknowledgment.Pauline Jacobson, Kent Bach, Shalom Lappin, Martin Stokhof, Daniel Buring, Peter Lasersohn, Thomas Ede, Paul Dekker Beth Levin Zimmermann, Julie Sedivy & Ben Russell - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (6):781-782.
  19.  43
    Motivation, Entwicklung und Untergang von Russells Multiple-Relationen-Therorie des Urteilens.Martin Anduschus - 1994 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 47 (1):115-142.
    In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Russells Motivation für die Multiple-Relationen-Theorie des Urteilens, die Entwicklung dieser Theorie und die Gründe für ihren Untergang untersucht. Auf alle drei Phasen ergibt sich eine neue Perspektive. Wittgensteins berühmt-berüchtigte Kritik an Russells Theorie wird diskutiert, eine neue Interpretation dieser Kritik vorgelegt und schließlich wird der meistens vernachlässigte Zusammenhang zwischen dieser Theorie und Russells früher Semantik beleuchtet, insbesondere seiner Theorie der Prädikation.
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  20.  65
    Bertrand Russell und die Platonischen Ideen.Gottfried Martin - 1973 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 5:169-180.
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    Russell's Analysis of Existence.Martin Shearn - 1951 - Analysis 11 (6):124 - 131.
    The author thinks that russell's analysis of existence is invalid because he overlooks cases in which the subject is afraid of a nonexistent (such as a ghost). (staff).
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  22.  22
    Bertrand Russell: a bibliography of his writings = Eine Bibliographie seiner Schriften, 1895-1976.Werner Martin - 1981 - Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books.
  23. The value alignment problem: a geometric approach.Martin Peterson - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (1):19-28.
    Stuart Russell defines the value alignment problem as follows: How can we build autonomous systems with values that “are aligned with those of the human race”? In this article I outline some distinctions that are useful for understanding the value alignment problem and then propose a solution: I argue that the methods currently applied by computer scientists for embedding moral values in autonomous systems can be improved by representing moral principles as conceptual spaces, i.e. as Voronoi tessellations of morally similar (...)
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    Alfred Russel Wallace. On the Organic Law of Change: A Facsimile Edition and Annotated Transcription of Alfred Russel Wallace's Species Notebook of 1855–1859. Annotated by, James T. Costa. xii + 573 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: Harvard University Press, 2013. $49.95. [REVIEW]Martin Fichman - 2014 - Isis 105 (3):663-664.
  25.  19
    5 Bertrand Russell's Logicism.Martin Godwyn & Andrew D. Irvine - 2003 - In Nicholas Griffin (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 171.
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  26. (1 other version)Gödel's conceptual realism.Donald A. Martin - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (2):207-224.
    Kurt Gödel is almost as famous—one might say “notorious”—for his extreme platonist views as he is famous for his mathematical theorems. Moreover his platonism is not a myth; it is well-documented in his writings. Here are two platonist declarations about set theory, the first from his paper about Bertrand Russell and the second from the revised version of his paper on the Continuum Hypotheses.Classes and concepts may, however, also be conceived as real objects, namely classes as “pluralities of things” or (...)
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    Conhecimento e Experiência no Empirismo de Russell.António Martins - 1972 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 28 (4):397 - 420.
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  28. A homogeneous system for formal logic.R. M. Martin - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):1-23.
    Two more or less standard methods exist for the systematic, logical construction of classical mathematics, the so-called theory of types, due in the main to Russell, and the Zermelo axiomatic set theory. In systems based upon either of these, the connective of membership, “ε”, plays a fundamental role. Usually although not always it figures as a primitive or undefined symbol.Following the familiar simplification of Russell's theory, let us mean by alogical typein the strict sense any one of the following: (i) (...)
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  29. Transcendental Arguments About Other Minds and Intersubjectivity.Matheson Russell & Jack Reynolds - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (5):300-311.
    This article describes some of the main arguments for the existence of other minds, and intersubjectivity more generally, that depend upon a transcendental justification. This means that our focus will be largely on ‘continental’ philosophy, not only because of the abiding interest in this tradition in thematising intersubjectivity, but also because transcendental reasoning is close to ubiquitous in continental philosophy. Neither point holds for analytic philosophy. As such, this essay will introduce some of the important contributions of Edmund Husserl, (...) Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Karl-Otto Apel, all of whom use transcendental reasoning as a key part of their analyses of intersubjectivity, and we also consider the work of Peter Strawson who does likewise in the analytic tradition. (shrink)
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    Whitehead and Russell's Theory of Types: A Reply.Martin Shearn - 1950 - Analysis 11 (2):45 - 48.
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    On the Frege-church theory of meaning.R. M. Martin - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (4):605-609.
    The issue on which I intend to focus is whether there is anything else, anything more than ontological economy, which, in Russell's mature account of the constituents of propositions, is gained by his rejection of denoting concepts. I will argue that in order to answer this question, it is necessary to appreciate that by the time of "On Denoting," Russell was not merely advancing a claim of philosophical logic or a theory of the logical form of the descriptive phrases of (...)
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    Paradox as a Guide to Ground.Martin Pleitz - 2020 - Philosophy 95 (2):185-209.
    I will use paradox as a guide to metaphysical grounding, a kind of non-causal explanation that has recently shown itself to play a pivotal role in philosophical inquiry. Specifically, I will analyze the grounding structure of the Predestination paradox, the regresses of Carroll and Bradley, Russell's paradox and the Liar, Yablo's paradox, Zeno's paradoxes, and a novel omega plus one variant of Yablo's paradox, and thus find reason for the following: We should continue to characterize grounding as asymmetrical and irreflexive. (...)
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    Peter Raby. Alfred Russel Wallace: A Life. 352 pp., illus., notes, index. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001. $29.95. [REVIEW]Martin Fichman - 2003 - Isis 94 (1):165-167.
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    Intentional Actions and the Meaning of Object: A Reply to Richard McCormick.Martin Rhonheimer - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):279-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INTENTIONAL ACTIONS AND THE MEANING OF OBJECT: A REPLY TO RICHARD McCORMICK MARTIN RHONHEIMER Roman Athenaeum of the Holy Cross Rome, Italy I N HIS ARTICLE, " Some Early Reactions to Veritatis Splendor," 1 Richard McCormick discusses my article on Veritatis Splendor and its teaching about intrinsically evil acts.2 He challenges my defence of the encyclical's views and poses some concrete questions for me. At the same time, (...)
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  35. Coreference and modality.Martin Stokhof, Jeroen Groenendijk & Frank Veltman - 1996 - In Shalom Lappin (ed.), The handbook of contemporary semantic theory. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell Reference. pp. 179-216.
    Of course, although this view on meaning was the prevailing one for almost a century, many of the people who initiated the enterprise of logical semantics, including people like Frege and Wittgenstein, had an open eye for all that it did not catch. However, the logical means which Frege, Wittgenstein, Russell, and the generation that succeeded them, had at their disposal were those of classical mathematical logic and set-theory, and these indeed are not very suited for an analysis of other (...)
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  36.  47
    American logic in the 1920s.Martin Davis - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):273-278.
    In 1934 Alonzo Church, Kurt Gödei, S. C. Kleene, and J. B. Rosser were all to be found in Princeton, New Jersey. In 1936 Church founded The Journal of Symbolic Logic. Shortly thereafter Alan Turing arrived for a two year visit. The United States had become a world center for cutting-edge research in mathematical logic. In this brief survey1 we shall examine some of the writings of American logicians during the 1920s, a period of important beginnings and remarkable insights as (...)
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  37.  23
    Illumination Fading.M. G. F. Martin - 2024 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 98 (1):153-184.
    Bertrand Russell abandoned the notion of acquaintance in July 1918. What changes does this force in his account of the mind? This paper focuses on one puzzle of interpretation about this. In 1913, Russell offered an account of ‘egocentric particulars’, his term for indexicals and demonstratives. He argued that the fundamental objection to neutral monism was that it could not provide an adequate theory of these terms. In 1918, Russell now embraces a form of neutral monism, but he does not (...)
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    Joseph Rotblat and the moral responsibilities of the scientist.Martin Clifford Underwood - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (2):129-134.
    Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat was one of the most distinguished scientists and peace campaigners of the post second world war period. He made significant contributions to nuclear physics and worked on the development of the atomic bomb. He then became one of the world’s leading researchers into the biological effects of radiation. His life from the early 1950s until his death in August 2005 was devoted to the abolition of nuclear weapons and peace. For this he was awarded the Nobel (...)
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  39.  58
    Truth & Denotation: A Study in Semantical Theory.R. M. Martin - 1958 - London,: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1958. A study in the logical foundations of modern theoretical semantics, this book is concerned with notions of designation and consistency as well as denotation and truth. It presents several semantical theories, each of which with what were new concepts or treatments from the author. Talking at a time when semantical theory was gained great ground, this book also looks at the methodology of the sciences and the semantics of scientific language alongside analysis of meaning and expression. (...)
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    Ideal Friendship, Actual Friends.Martin Coleman - 2023 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (1):25-42.
    Friendship, on George Santayana’s account, is a form of human society made possible by consciousness of ideals while simultaneously rooted in the experience of embodied creatures spontaneously drawn to each other. His philosophical and autobiographical writings on friendship (particularly his friendship with Frank Russell) exemplify a practice of cultivating wisdom and suggest how we can come to understand our own actual friendships and the opportunities for self-knowledge and sanity in them.
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    Book Reviews : Dialectic of Defeat: Contours of Western Marxism by Russell Jacoby, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, pp x + 202, £15 The Two Marxisms: Contradictions and Anomalies in the Development of Theory by Alvin W. Gouldner London: Macmillan, 1980, pp x + 397, £6.95 (paperback). [REVIEW]Martin Shaw - 1982 - Theory, Culture and Society 1 (2):120-124.
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  42.  26
    Bertrand Russell Memorial Volume. Edited by George W. Roberts. [REVIEW]Martin A. Bertman - 1981 - Modern Schoolman 58 (4):281-281.
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    Robert Blanché. La Logique et son histoire: d'Aristote à Russell. Collection U. Librairie Armand Colin, Paris1970, 366 p. [REVIEW]Roger Martin - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):371.
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    C is for the Catholic Cannibal.Martin Cohen - 2004 - In Wittgenstein's Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 20–24.
    This chapter contains section titled: Discussion.
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    Persuasion and Rhetoric.Russell Scott Valentino, Cinzia Sartini Blum & David J. Depew (eds.) - 2004 - Yale University Press.
    This translation of Carlo Michelstaedter’s _Persuasion and Rhetoric_ brings the powerful and original work of a seminal cultural figure to English-language readers for the first time. Ostensibly a commentary on Plato’s and Aristotle’s relation to the pre-Socratic philosophers, Michelstaedter’s deeply personal book is an extraordinary rhetorical feat that reflects the author’s struggle to make sense of modern life. This edition includes an introduction discussing his life and work, an extensive bibliography, notes to introduce each chapter, and critical notes illuminating the (...)
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    Preliminary Remarks / Vorbemerkungen.Werner Martin - 1981 - In Bertrand Russell: a bibliography of his writings = Eine Bibliographie seiner Schriften, 1895-1976. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books.
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    James T. Costa, Radical by Nature: The Revolutionary Life of Alfred Russel Wallace, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023, ISBN: 9780691233796, 515 pp. [REVIEW]Martin Fichman - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (4):603-605.
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    Ross A. Slotten. The Heretic in Darwin’s Court: The Life of Alfred Russel Wallace. viii + 602 pp., illus., bibl., index. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004. $39.50, £26.50. [REVIEW]Martin Fichman - 2005 - Isis 96 (3):454-455.
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    Tyler Roberts: Encountering religion: responsibility and criticism after secularism: Columbia University Press, New York, NY, 2013, xvi and 300 pp., $55.00.Martin Kavka - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76 (1):95-98.
    In the 1980s and 1990s, the theoretical energy in the study of religion came from postmodern theory and its appropriation by scholars who worked in, or at the margins of, the subfield called “philosophy of religion.” Today, philosophy of religion—at least in departments of religion and religious studies—threatens to kill itself with its own jargon; the theoretical energy in the study of religion comes from young scholars working in American religious history (such as John Modern, author of Secularism in Antebellum (...)
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  50.  50
    Foundational Issues in Human Brain Mapping.Stephen José Hanson & Martin Bunzl (eds.) - 2010 - Bradford.
    The field of neuroimaging has reached a watershed. Brain imaging research has been the source of many advances in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive science over the last decade, but recent critiques and emerging trends are raising foundational issues of methodology, measurement, and theory. Indeed, concerns over interpretation of brain maps have created serious controversies in social neuroscience, and, more important, point to a larger set of issues that lie at the heart of the entire brain mapping enterprise. In this volume, (...)
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